Valentine’s Day – romantic cards, beautiful flowers, and chocolate make it a nearly perfect holiday! For those who want a big dose of FUN, we have entertainers who perfectly fit the season. Starting with Lovey Dovey, who presents a show on love all ages will like . . .
Fast answers!
Her show is called Love, Love, Love and the program is all about love. Not gooey smoochie love; no, this love from the perspective of Grouchy the Dinosaur, and Priscilla Puckerup. Grouchy is grouchy because he doesn’t feel loved. Lovey Dovey helps to change that feeling in a comical way. Priscilla is an unusual puppet – she is a big pair of lips! (Okay, so there is some smooching in the show, but boys will think it is funny!) By the end of the program, Grouchy feels better, Pricscilla shows that she can sing, and the kids get a chance to pretend they are Cupid!
And there is more! Lovey Dovey shares a wonderful magic trick, with a Valentine’s Card! (Do you know the origin of Valentine’s Day cards?) Music, laughter, and lots of entertaining surprises win hearts every February. Add Lovey Dovey for a Valentine’s party the kids will always treasure!
Want to invite Lovey to your party? All you have to do is ask her,”won’t you be my Valentine?”
Why do we celebrate Valentine’s Day? Here’s one place with the answer!
Who is this Cupid guy, anyway? Look here to find out more!
What happens when two of our popular clowns (Hanky and Dubble Bubble) create a Valentine’s show? The result is the program “Hearts & Flowers”, a show as sweet as the name! Hanky or Dubble Bubble wear a giant heart costume for the show. She reads a giant history book (kids just love giant things!) all about Valentine’s Day. Along the course of the show, she gets a big surprise from her dad, and a present from her secret admirer. Mr. Heart the puppet makes an appearance, looking for some help getting a girlfriend. He later learns that just being friends is better when you are still little, which is advice he takes to heart. There is music, games, and even the adults get involved in the show! “Hearts & Flowers” is another fun way to make Valentine’s Day memories that last longer than even a big box of chocolates!
Would you like to have the Hearts & Flowers show at your party? All you have to do is ask,”won’t you be my Valentine?”
Want to make your Valentine’s card really special this year?
Arrange to get it re-mailed from Loveland!
This makes the card more special, arriving with a Loveland cancelation.
Perhaps you are arranging a Valentine’s day party at the school, and want to add a special touch that doesn’t interrupt the flow of the party. Face painting is the answer! You can have a card exchange, serve cake, play music, or even play Valentine’s games with a face painter adding art like this to all your guests. Our face painter will set up, and set to work with the kids coming up on their own schedule. This way, guests can play the games, exchange the cards, and when they have a moment, get a beautiful painting featuring a heart, flowers, or one of the many cute designs available. Your party schedule won’t be affected at all, and as the party continues, you’ll see more and more guests with fabulous face paint!
We won’t break your heart, especially when you ask “won’t you paint my Valentine?”